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Bighorn Sheep in Joshua Tree

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

In my last post, I talked about some of the wildlife one can expect to find in the Mojave Desert on a hot summer day.  As it happens, that’s really only a small fraction of the diversity you’re bound to see.

After photographing birds, reptiles and insects, we headed over to my secret bighorn sheep location in hopes of finding at least one species of charismatic megafauna.  My spot did not disappoint: within about 20 minutes, I spotted a bighorn sheep ewe high on a rock, overlooking the landscape.

Desert bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis nelsoni) in joshua tree national park, california

The Sentinel, July 2010

The ewe let us walk closer to her, probably because (a) she had a good view of us, and (b) it was too hot for her to care.  Because of her cooperation, I was able to make closer images, especially using my friend’s 800mm lens.

Desert bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis nelsoni) in joshua tree national Park, california

Desert Bighorn Sheep, July 2010

After about 10 minutes, another sheep walked up to join the one we had been photographing.  I made a few more images, then left, so as to not stress them out too much–especially on a hot day!  To see all of my desert bighorn sheep images, click here.

Two desert bighorn sheep in joshua tree national park, california

The Sentinel's relief, July 2010