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Getting intimate at the zoo

Saturday, August 15th, 2009

We have an 18 month-old son.  Just like any other kid, he loves going to the zoo and seeing all the animals.  Some of his favorites are the “ffes” (giraffes), and anything that makes a “woo” sound (dogs, owls and others all fit into this category…at least according to him).  The zoo can be a great place to spend some quality family time, but it can also be a great place to take photographs.

I enjoy the zoo because I can use the time to make intimate images of the charismatic megafauna we readily identify with.   Take this elephant–Timba–for example.  She’s an African elephant at the San Diego Zoo:

African elephant, 2009

As much as I like this image, there’s so much there to explore.  For instance, look at her very emotive eye.  With a long lens, and a little luck of her walking towards you, you can really bring out the emotion there:

African elephant, 2007

All of a sudden, the emotion and personability in the eye is front and center in your frame!  You can even achieve a humorous result.  If the animal starts walking away from you, you can send a message with this image:

African elephant, 2009

Many of the animals at the zoo have great patterns you can capitalize on.  For instance, think about abstract shots with giraffe spots (or leopard spots), or zebra stripes.  All of these things are eye-catching and people readily identify with these animals.  

giraffe_behindNo ‘butts’ about it, the zoo is a great place to photograph animals.  Play around with your composition and exposure.  You never know what you’re going to find.  

This is also useful, because zoos are usually crowded (go during the week if you can–darned day jobs!), and let’s face it: they aren’t open during the best hours.  The light usually isn’t the best (overcast days are best), and many animals like to sleep during the middle of the day.  I’ve found that by getting intimate with the animals it got me past the disappointment of not getting those safari-style shots!